DS-KD-DIS Display Module Features & Setup in Hikvision 2nd Gen Modular Intercom System

Today we want to pay some special attention to a display module in the Hikvision 2nd Generation IP Modular Intercom System. We’ll power it on, configure and tell you how to do all that stuff, and you can get all reviewed today items and all other modules on the Pipl Systems Store ?

What We Are Doing and How

What’s the catch? First of all, it is literally a display module so that a person on the other side can see status. That is: a call is happening, the door is open, the password was entered successfully and so on. And secondly the most interesting – via IVMS-4200 you can upload a list of up to 2 000 contacts in this module, owing to built-in memory, and then, with on-body buttons you can select a person to call among all the contacts listed and dial up. Also, a combination of display module and a keypad module will work the best, as for the execution of many actions, for an instance, entering a password and calling by typing a number, you need a keypad. Now we’re going to connect everything up, show you how to upload contacts into the display module, set a public entrance password, and demonstrate you how does it work.

We have 2 monitors here and I’m going to bind each of them to a certain room to show how this works if the system has more than two rooms, multiple users. And here are a three modules fixed in an bracket – a door phone, a display module and a keypad. Here’s how it looks on the back: there’s the LAN cable coming from the PoE switch to the door phone, and from there the door phone kind of distributes this power down to other modules via power transmission interface and communicates with them owing to a four eighty fifth interface. And also, we have displayed this chain on a DIP-witches here and here. The panel is zero, the display is one, the keypad is 2. Now we need IVMS-4200.


Set Up Via IVMS-4200

We’ve got devices activated and added to the IVMS-4200. KD8003 door phone, KH8350 monitor 1 and KH6320 monitor 2, and you don’t need to configure the modules in any way – if you got them connected correctly they are already online. This time we’re not showing the devices’ activation, since we have already published a dedicated article and video uncovering this question. First, we will designate monitors under different rooms. We go into settings of the 1st monitor, let the KH6320 be the 1st one, just because it doesn’t matter which one is first. We go to the Intercom tab and the 1st point here is ID configuration. Since we’ve decided KH6320 will be the first – we’re leaving everything as it is there – first floor and first room. Now the Network tab, the 2nd item – writing down the address of our main door phone in the Door Station IP Address field and in the Door phone Address. Below, respectively, you can enter the master station IP-address and below it you can input the SIP server address, which is usually bound to a concierge, but don’t need it now – save and close.

Now the 2nd KH8350 monitor settings – the Intercom tab, and the 1st item “ID Configuration” – here we set a 2nd room number, but leaving the first floor and saving. Now Network, 2nd section, and the same way we did with first monitor, we type in the IP-address of our panel in Door Station IP and Door Phone IP. Save and close.

Now we’re creating 2 users, binding a monitors to them and uploading that new data into the panel and into the display module. Open the Person tab in IVMS, create organization and click add. Create person 1, I am naming him Daniel (cause that’s literally me:), I also add a card, for the demonstration purpose I’m typing in a random numbers and then opening Resident Information, where I’m tying the first KH6320 monitor to the 1st user. Select it, leave the floor and the room as it is, as this is a 1st monitor – okay. Now create a 2nd user – I’m naming him Will, assigning to him number 2 and adding a card, a random number, Resident Information. Here I select the 2nd monitor KH8350, floor 1, but the 2nd room this time – okay.

 Now we’re uploading this information into display module. Opening an Access Control tab, the 2nd item is the Access Group. Clicking add – at the top I select our company with 2 people in it, now they appear here too, and below – the access point – that is our KD8003 panel with modules – okay. And now we’re applying the rule to All Devices at the top, waiting till the progress bar shows 100% and we’re done. Now we’re setting the public password: go to the devices, the door phone, settings, the Intercom item, and there you will find Permission Password section. I create a password “123456”, entering 2 times and save. Here we are – the public password is set.



On the video below you can see monitors, door phone and modules in bracket. As you can see, there’s different room that are indicated on monitors – 1 and 2. And now the display module – I press down to go into contacts and here I have got those 2 users that I’ve uploaded with different numbers, in accordance with monitors and rooms. Calling Daniel and the call goes to monitor 1, and if I call Will, the call goes to the 2nd device. That is exactly what we need. And about displaying a status on the display module. The module already indicated what you can do – enter a password, dial a number and go into contacts. Let’s enter a password 123456, the status changes, the door opens. And I can also call Daniel from the keypad, press 1 and number sign – the calling is successful, the status has been updated. The same about Will – 2 and # sign and I get identical results.


The main feature of the display module is the ability to load up into it up to 2 000 contacts, and that is especially convenient if you have a really large object and a lot of new visitors, because they don’t even need to know the number, they can just find the name that they need in the contact list, which simplifies everything. Of course you can use the multi-subscriber module instead of the display and keypad, but there’s only 6 buttons there, and if you have, let’s say, 100 rooms, you will need to buy about 17 of those, and you’ll need to take 2 or 3 door phones to this number of modules. On the Pipl Systems Store we have all modules of the 2nd Generation Hikvision Modular IP Intercoms available for you and much more ?


Watch Full Version Of Review on Youtube!

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