AJAX Alarm System Review: Ajax MotionProtect Curtain 2019

Earlier today I was wondering why would I select an Ajax MotionProtect Curtain instead of a Regular MotionProtect and I’ve managed to find some points, so this material is going to be an answer to that question. Except that, we will overview the MotionProtect Curtain’ intend, main functionality, uncover a specs, connect it and test it out practically (in video). Ajax MotionProtect Curtain is available on a Pipl Systems Store officially within a worldwide delivery for you 🙂

How Does it Looks?

The box contents is regular for Ajax:a cardboard wrapping with the exact sensor inside, the external bracket, a quick start guide, a pack of screws and anchors to fix this thing up on a wall. The exact device has an LED indicator on a front panel’s upper in this Ajax-specific shape. The main element we really care about is located on a bottom behind a Fresnel lens, similar to MotionProtect’s one, inside of the inclined cutout.

A purpose of this design is to make you hang the sensor as high as possible right below a ceiling or at a doorway top to create the appropriate angle for sensor to observe a sight. Because, you see, this is what makes a difference between a Curtain and a MotionProtect. A view angle of a Curtain makes up a 6°, when a MotionProtect’s operating view angle is 88.5°. So when you install a MotionProtect sensor in a right spot, it is able to observe an entire room or a half of it, but a MotionProtect Curtain creates a kind of a straight and thin line coming from top to bottom. This is where we meet a sensor’s intend, and this is a perimeter protection. The backside bracket is removed easy, revealing us QR-code and a power button that we’ll need later to activate the device, below them you can see a tamper button.


What Ajax Curtain Is Capable Of?

  • Motion Detector
  • Dual Infrared Sensor (PIR)
  • Detection On Up To 15m. Distance
  • IP-54 Protection Rate
  • 1 800m. Operating range
  • 12-300 s. Pings Frequency
  • Ajax Jeweler Radiotechnology
  • Battery Life Up To 3 years

So yeah, the device is intended for a perimeter protection and is often installed indoors near an entrance door. The operating principle remained the same – the infrared sensor spots a moving objects that have a temperature close to a human body heat, although, here we have a double infrared sensor, which is reflected on a box and in the Ajax App, on a Sensor’s settings tab. There you will find a Correlation Signal Processing button, that decreases the amount of a false alarms as it makes a sensor raise the alarm only when an identical motion signal is registered by both sensors.

Actually a must-have function if you have pets in home. Also about a features and a specifications – Motion Detection distance operates properly on up to 15 meters distance, the sensor is IP-54 ingress protected, operates as far as 1 800 meters away from an Ajax Hub, that checks a sensor’s status as frequently as every12-300 seconds. MotionProtect Curtain is quipped with an Ajax-unique Jeweler Radiotechnology and the buily-in Battery here will last as long as 3 years.


Activation & Test


Many of you are wondering why would you buy a Curtain instead of a MotionProtect or a CombiProtect, and the answer is – depends on an install spot. It is best to have such Curtain in a warehouses with a lot of moving objects in sensor’s sight, with a high shelvings that decrease a sensor’s view angle and may caue false alarms.

So in case of this Ajax MotionProtect Curtain – it doesn’t matter what a landscape you have in room, his job is to protect a perimeter, that exact line that divides a room’s entry and exit. Also the sensor can operate as well in a night mode, which is impossible for a MotionProtect and a CombiProtect, it suits well for a panoramic windows, garages and a shower rooms. Get the Ajax MotionProtect Curtain officially on the Pipl Systems Store 🙂

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