NEW Ajax DualCurtain Outdoor Review – Ajax Alarm System Review

Ajax DualCurtain Outdoor Review – 6x Curtain Motion Detector

It’s nice that Ajax Systems moved their focus to the outdoor defense, because generally we can say that they have done their best indoors. New Ajax DualCurtain Outdoor is a fantastic device with an amazing feature set, and ours favorite – exclusively fine tuning, controlled on the back of the device. Get it on the Pipl Systems Store!

How It Works in a Nutshell

Perimeter protection, infrared beams – nothing new. You got 2 invisible infrared beams coming out from the left and right sides of the sensor on up to 15 meters away, and if the person crosses them at once – you get a triggering and the alarm signal subsequently. Although, what matters more is the quality of how the basic technology was implemented and there are things to say here.

How Is it Different

Instead of the traditional approach, when 2 separate parts, IR transmitter and receiver are installed on a particular distance away from each other while facing each other, creating 2 direct infrared beams between them. So instead of that Ajax Systems made a single part. And the trick here is that these 2 areas on sides are the parts from which the IR beams come out in 2 directions, the left and right relative to the device. That allows the Ajax DualCurtain Outdoor to cover around a 30 meters in length line, and on both sides you can also see the anti-masking sensors, allowing the device to not get blinded with spray-paint or disabled by putting obstacles in front of it and go unnoticeably after that. Meaning it notices the change quite instantly. So these are the active elements themselves, and of course, there is the tamper button behind the bracket to prevent someone from taking it off the wall.

The Features

The next thing to talk about is the features and the fine tuning. Taking the bracket off you’ll get an access to different toggles to adjust the distance and the direction of IR beams, the left and right sides respectively. So these 2 in the middle are beam direction switches, and by switching these, the view zone of the optical system is able to shift 3 degrees horizontally, allowing us to adjust the correct view angle so that the detector’s field of view is not blocked by a column or downpipe and etc. Below there is the 5-step detection range scrollbar, respectively, from the near 4 metersto 5, 7, 12, and 15 meters away.

And these final 2 are here for a so-called Near Area Detection technology, which is an interesting one, and is designed to protect windows primarily. So the Ajax DualCurtin Outdoor emits a one more very narrow beam, directed 40 degrees down against the main sector, allowing detectors on both sides to spot movement closely to the detector’s body.. addressing the typical problem of the blind spot, so common among such sensors.

The body was made to match IP54 protection rate, operating temperature ranges supported is from -25 to +60 Celsius, with up to 95% humidity, so don’t worry leaving it outside it’s designed for that. The declared battery life is up to 4 years, which is quite a lot, compatible with even older Hub Plus, Hub 2, Hub 2 Plus and Ajax Rex. The signal transfer range is 1700 meters in open space.

Activation and Use

The activation and use are as simple as they were with Ajax – you’ve got the Ajax Hub activated under your account, ajax app on your phone, you’ve got the device, and the device has a QR-code on its back. So you go into the app, press “add device” button, naming it the way you want, typically that’s the area it is protecting and scanning it, selecting a room and the group and OK. Now you have 30 seconds to press and hold the power button next to the QR-code, and you have it in your account.

The bottom line

Is that Ajax DualCurtain Outdoor literally outruns most of similar modern detectors by a number of characteristics, is a great device for outdoor protection and will do a perfect job if combined with the Security Camera. And you can get one for yourself in the Pipl Systems Store?

Watch Our Video Review on YouTube!

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