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Ajax Alarm System Controls: Ajax Button, Ajax SpaceControl & Ajax Keypad Review

Ajax Alarm System Controls: Ajax Button, Ajax SpaceControl & Ajax Keypad Review

The title of the material speaks for itself – we’re gonna review a devices, used to control the Ajax Systems and send a commands by a means of a push and sensor buttons, excluding an Ajax phone app. Though, you still need a phone app to activate these appliances. Brand-new Ajax Buttons here in black and white body colors, Ajax SpaceControl Key Fobs and Ajax Keypads. And of course they’re available on the Pipl Systems Store website officially within a worldwide delivery ?

Ajax Button

  • Wireless, 1 button
  • Ajax Jeweller
  • Alarm Signal in 0.15 s.
  • Up To 5 Years Battery Life
  • 1 300 m. Operating Range
  • Built-in LED

It ain’t about a box contents here, Ajax usually put in the exact device in a cardboard wrapping so there’s nothing to look at here. Ajax Button – very simple but sometimes a highly substantial thing. What’s interesting is that Ajax has a mini-cartoon on their website to show how we can apply it and where can we put it to make the most use of it. The first situation assumes you’ll put it near your bed, on the adjacent nightstand, and due to that fact that at night your system is only partially armed, you could be the first one to spot an emergency signs instead of a sensors you got.

A sound of a broken glass, unfamilliar voices, you know, things that don’t usually happen at night in your house – one precise move, button press, a security patrol is heading your way. Next we got a man, embraced from his back by a masked guy, but you know what? This guy hanged an Ajax button on his chest, he clicks it – a reinforcements are aware something is wrong. The next one is something we’ve already seen – a robber points a gun to a cashier and demands to give him a money, and while a cashier pulls out a cash, she touchers a button imperceptibly and activates a silent alarm with no any loud siren noises, smooth and carefully. But we got our security company notified and now they deal with it.

Next – a children who left home alone. They are taught from childhood to not talk to strangers and especially to never open up a doors if these strangers demand to get in while they know there’s only children in home. And instead of letting them in – a little guys press a button and the whole family and a security company know something went wrong. An Ajax button provides us a 1 300 meters of a wireless signal transmission over a radio-waves and signal will be transmitted faster than in 0.15 miliseconds, the battery will last up to 5 years and it’s protected against false alarms. Also, it’s the cheapest Ajax Systems device, so I would say yes to it.

Ajax SpaceControl Key Fob

  • Wireless Key Fob
  • Ajax Jeweller
  • Alarm Signal in 0.15 s.
  • 4x Physical Buttons
  • Up To 5 Years Battery Life
  • 1 300 m. Operating Range
  • Built-in LED

Next in line is an Ajax SpaceControl Keyfob and there’s really not much to say here. Ajax App duplicates it’s looks and functionality on a systems’ control screen. So basically yeah, t’s a phone replacement with a physical buttons for the fans of the ones. And why do you need it as the interacting with system happens completely via the phone? Because during emergency cases, seconds determine the outcome. Get a phone out of pocket, unlock it, type the passcode, get into the app, unlock it with a passcode, go to arming screen, press the button. Or just take this one and press physicall button with this button touch haptic feedback, on a manner of Ajax Button, and the LED-lights, located in the middle here among all buttons. This is why it’s here – because of the speed.

4 buttons:

  • Full circle – arm the system
  • Torned circle – disarm
  • Opposite side “c” letter – night mode and
  • Exclamation point inside of circle is a panic button, often triggered to call a security company

Ajax Keypad

  • Wireless KeyPad, 15 buttons
  • Up to 1 700 m. Operating Range
  • 1-0 Sensor Keypad
  • Battery life up to 2 years
  • Ajax Jeweller
  • Alarm Signal in 0.15 s.

Ajax keypad specfically features a 1 700 meters as an operating range. The built-in battery designed to serve for 2 years. Has a tamper alarm on the back under a cover, power button and the QR-code. On the upper we have four LEDs displaying the system’s status, where this is an armed mode, disarmed, night mode on, and a cross in circle means system has some malfunctions. Below it we got a standard 1-0 keypad, clear button and a little asterisk here used to select a user group, input a personal identificator, or it can be a functional button that you can trigger to deactivate a fire alarm or to activate a panic mode and notify a security company.

Bellow it we have standard system buttons, which is arm, disarm and a night mode. And now, I had this question too – there’s a keyfob, there’s an in-app controls on a phone, there’s an Ajax button, why would I need Ajax KeyPad? The answer is – a scale. You have a big family? You have some service staff? Or is it an office? If the answer is yes – this is a must to have thing for you. Except that you can arm or disarm a system typing a passcode, you can assign a personal passwords to everyone and thus you will be aware of who got in under a unique identifier.

And of course we have here such feature as a duress code, that silently raises an alarm and notifies a security company if you was typed it in. So yeah, a name reflects a functionality. When someone forces you to open your intrance door to let them in – you type in this duress code – the door will oper as normal and you won’t here any sirens, but a signal was transmitted to a security company and they already on their way to you.


You absolutely don’t need all the listed above devices. You may not even need a single one of them because you can control your system from a phone. So who needs them? A little and mid business owners and their staff, if you have a big family, if you have a service staff for your home, if it’s about a bigger scale. What I would recommend and say it’s essential – a SpaceControl Keyfobs, two of them at least, and this why they come within an Ajax Starterkit. We got all of them officially on the Pipl Systems Store Website within a worldwide delivery for you. Specify you are subscriber to get a special offer. Thank you for watching! Your protection and your knowing of your surroundings are the main goals in the Pipl Systems ?

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