AJAX Alarm System Reviews Series: Hub v2.0 2019 [2/15]

It’s been three years since Ajax Systems released a Hub in 2016. After that we’ve also seen the enhanced Ajax Hub Plus version coming out, which main features were a Wi-fi support, system’s scale increase, and a second backup sim-card slot. Here you can see a video or read an article, dedicated to the Hub One and Hub Plus. Now it’s a September 2019 – Apple announces new iPhones, Ajax Systems releases Ajax Hub version 2.

And maybe that was on purpose, maybe not, we don’t know, but what we know is the Ajax Hub version 2 in our office and we’re going to glance through the updates we have and compare it to the Hub 1 and a Hub 1 Plus. And of course we’ll be launching sales for the Hub 2 soon on the Pipl Systems Store along with all others already on sale 25 Ajax Devices.

The Looks And The Box Contents

The box is white, independently from the device color, Ajax probably returned to the origins, so it looks the same way as the Ajax Hub 1 Box. Although, similar to the Hub Plus box, Ajax have added a supported cellular standards marking on the box front in the bottom left corner, and they have also changed a description markup on the back, where the main features are highlighted.

The visual appereance remained the same, the Hub 2 looks 100% identical in compare to a regular and a Hub plus versions, and we thought – why would they change something that works good yet? And so they didn’t. Although, what is different is located under the backside cover, that slips off pretty hard as well as in the previous generation, and you got to put some effort to uncover insides.

On the manner of Hub Plus, we have double sim-card slot, along with the location of all other inputs and buttons, that didn’t change too. Power button, power and LAN-inputs, tamper button. Besides the Hub, the box contents include a few dowels and screws, along with power and the LAN cables.

Comparison Table


The Hub

Hub Plus

Hub 2.0

Connected Devices

up to 100

up to 150

up to 100

Cameras / NVR’s

up to 10

up to 50

up to 25


up to 50

up to 99

up to 50


up to 9

up to 25

up to 9

Battery Life

up to 15 h.

up to 16 h.

up to 16 h.

Photo-fixation Devices Support




Wi-fi Support





up to 10

up to 30

up to 30

Sim-card Slots

1 Slot, 2G

2 Slots, 3G

2 Slots, 2G

Even though the visual appearance remained the same, what we really curious about is a filling, the specifications, and this is where a Hub 2 reveals himself. The new and exclusive function it has – a new MotionCam sensor support and, if you haven’t heard about it, that’s a device, based on the infrared sensor and is basically a combination of the built-in 640×480 pixels resolution camera and the infrared sensor.

Triggered by the movements, infrared sensor launches the camera to take series of photos, after what sends it to the Hub and to the phone then via one of internet channels, which is a wired LAN-cable or one of sim-cards. We’ll definetely make a video and an article about the MotionCam in conjunction with Hub 2.0 right after we’ll get our hands on it. So yeah, Ajax Hub 2 point zero has LAN-input, as well as 2 2g-able sim-slots, working in parallel and replacing each other in an emergency cases. That’s what meant by the 3 communication channels inscription on the box’ back.

Speaking of updates – we got all-new Ajax Wings radio-transmitting tenhnology support here, that guarantees that photos, taken from the MotionCam will be delivered even if the internet speed will decrease down to 5 kb/s. What else new, but not exclusive – the scenarios support. This feature comes with a firmware update and will be also available on older devices a bit later. So what is it? Well, at the release moment, this is a set of work algorythms for the Ajax Relay, WallSwitch and the Ajax Socket.

This scenarios are getting activated when you arm your system, after what it’s automatically able to lock or unlock contacts on the Ajax Relay or turn the Ajax Socket on and off. Of course, within a firmware updates, more scenarios will be added. Hub 2, as well as Hub Plus supports 30 scenarios, while a regular Hub is capable of only 10. Hub 2 supports up to a 100 simultanious devices connected, up to 50 users, up to 9 groups, a third-party cameras or the NVR’s connected amount reaches up to 25 devices, the battery lasts 16 hours with the electricity grid down, and that’s the only device that supports MotionCam at the moment.

For the ones who have ever faced Ajax Systems devices, activation process wouldn’t cause any difficulties as it happens the same way it is with the Hub 1 and Hub Plus. And if you haven’t faced it, or just want to remind yourself – we got a video for you with a complete Hub One and Hub Plus distinctions, activation, connection, and sensors pairing process. But to be exact, there will be a few materials featuring Ajax Hub 2 activation and MotionCam pairing, so stay tuned.


That’s an awesome device, probably even a revision model, taking into account a really slight price distinctions with a regular ajax Hub, and we don’t know yet what the exact numbers will be, but the difference won’t be more than 5-10%. What we’re really excited for is a Hub 2 conjunction with a MotionCam device, and for a Hub 2 Plus version.

And soon, we’ll release a video featuring MotionCam 2 Plus Ajax Hub 2, so subscribe, click the bell icon and stay tuned for updates. We got all of the Ajax Systems devices officialy and a worlwide delivery in a Pipl Systems Store.

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