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AJAX Alarm System Review: Ajax KeyPad Review & Tips

AJAX Alarm System Review: Ajax KeyPad Review & Tips

Today we’re reviewing the Ajax Wireless Keypad and also disclosing some important tips that you should know as a user of this devices, cause we are talking about your personal security. The main question is – why do you need a one more control device except a phone and a keyfob?

Introduction: The Box, The Looks

If that’s not the first Ajax Sensor you are looking into, you probably know some basic Ajax features, including that the entire Ajax Systems operates under Ajax-unique Jeweller radio-technology and a data with sensors status is transmitted to a Hub via radio-waves and then transferred to you via internet, either it’s wired, wireless Wi-fi connection, or a cellular network. That actually increases the operating area and makes it more protect. Ajax keypad specfically features a 1 700 meters as an operating range.

The built-in battery designed to serve for 2 years. Has a tamper alarm on the back under a cover, that triggers if someone tries to take if off the wall, and next to it there’s a power button, below there’s a QR-code needed to activate the device. Now regarding the looks and the buttons – his is a pure hundreed percent plastic. On the upper we have four LEDs displaying the system’s status, which are (left to right): armed mode, disarmed, night mode on, malfunctions detected.

Below it we got a standard 1 to 0 keypad, clear button and a little asterisk used to select a user group, input a personal identificator, or it can be a functional button that you can trigger to deactivate a fire alarm, for instance, or to activate a panic mode to call a security company. Bellow it we have standard system buttons (left to right): which is arm, disarm and a night mode. And at first we had this question too – there’s a keyfob, there’s an in-app controls on a phone, why would we need a KeyPad?

What is Ajax Keypad?

The answer is – a scale. You have a big family? You have some service staff? Or is it an office? If the answer is yes – this is a must to have thing for you. Except that you can arm or disarm a system typing a passcode, you can assign a personal passwords to everyone and thus you will be aware of who got in under a unique identifier. And of course we have such things as password attack and password guessing protection. Now the feature called a duress code. And what does that means and how does it works?

We create a one more uniqe password and assign this function to it. And let’s imagine you got home, getting closer to an entrance door and in the moment you come by near, a few guys with some bad intends appear, come to you and force you to open your door and let them in. We type that unique password we set earlier and the system gets disarmed in a regular way, with no alarms, no siren noises, just a regular way. But, here we got a big “BUT” that can save your life – when you typed that duress password, your security company received a sign that something is wrong, they received an alarm signal silently and they are probably on their way to you.

Activation & Connection

And so we got out Ajax Hub online with the power and internet transmitted over the wires from the box and here’s how the activation happens:


We don’t really think everyone needs this keypad. If your family is not big, if that’s not an office, not a big property, not much people in interaction with a system – no, probably no. Although, all opposite occassions lead you to get this device, and in frames of a Security System Keypad – it’s good. Get the Ajax Wireless Keypad in a black or white body color officially on the Pipl Systems Store ?

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