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1 Article – 20 Ajax Systems Alarm Sensors: Full Fast Review, Which One Is Yours?

1 Article – 20 Ajax Systems Alarm Sensors: Full Fast Review, Which One Is Yours?

This article is a quick reference for everyone who considers getting an Ajax Systems’ sensors, and a title reflects content with a 100% accuracy – 20 Ajax Systems’ Sensors in 1 article with a tips, tricks, descriptions, advises for every single 1 of them, and altogether about Ajax Systems sensors, what are they intended for, why do you need them and et cetera. After you done here – we’ve got all Ajax Systems’ Sensors available for you on the Pipl Systems Store along with a worldwide delivery.

The Review Includes

We are dividing the sensors into the groups by their use purposes and features. Here they are below:

System’s Core:

Indoor Detectors:

Outdoor Section:

Fire and Leaks Prevention:

Control Devices:

Sirens and Buzzers:

Ajax Hub Ajax MotionProtect Ajax MotionProtect Outdoor Ajax FireProtect Ajax SpaceControl Ajax HomeSiren
Ajax Hub Plus Ajax MotionProtect Plus Ajax FireProtect Plus Ajax Button Ajax StreetSiren
Ajax Hub 2 Ajax CombiProtect Ajax LeaksProtect Ajax KeyPad
Ajax Rex Ajax MotionProtect Curtain
Ajax DoorProtect
Ajax DoorProtect Plus
Ajax GlassProtect

Ajax Brains

Part 1, the Ajax Brains:

  • Ajax Hub
  • Ajax Hub Plus
  • Ajax Rex

So, Ajax Hub is where your acquaintance with the Ajax Systems starts – that is the brain. A mini-introduction: none of sensors is able to connect to internet and they actually have only a single data transmission channel – via radio-waves under Ajax Jeweler radio protocol, operating under 868 megahertz frequencies. And we come to Ajax Hub – a bridge between a sensor and a user, due to its capabilities of converting a signal that comes from sensors into a notifications, that in their turn, go to your phone over an internet. Ajax Hub receives and sends data, makes sure all the sensors are operating hassle-free real time, and decides how to deal with the incoming signals.

Hub Plus and Hub 2 are the extended versions, having some improvements, but the main of which is the increased system’s scale. Thus, a number of sensors connected simultaneously for the Hub and Hub 2 is 100, they support maximum 50 users in interaction with a system, 50 rooms and 9 user groups. In it’s turn, Hub Plus supports a 150 devices, 100 users, 50 rooms and 25 groups. What else is different for the Plus version is a Wi-fi support and 2 backup 3G-able sim-card slots, which in total makes a 4-channels set for the Hub Plus, including the internet over a wire. Hub and Hub 2 are not having Wi-fi and 3G support, there’s only one 2G-able slot for a Hub regular and 2 2G-able slots for Hub 2. Speaking of functional numbers, they’re identical for all Hubs.

2000 meters of operating range for all, 15 ms. to transmit a threat signal to a user, 12-300 seconds detector polling period, and a built-in lithium battery to withstand up to 15 hours with the electricity down. After announcing a 3rd-party NVR’s and cameras support by Ajax Hubs, the numbers got updated too, and they are: 25 3rd-party appliances for Hub and Hub Plus, and 50 of devices for Hub Plus. And, Hub 2 is the only device to support an upcoming Ajax MotionCam sensor, which intend you may easily guess from its name. Ajax Rex looks identical to Ajax Hub, and I suppose Ajax just took the Hub body, got out some “brains” and replaced it with a battery, so it’s up to 35 hours against up to 15 hours for Ajax Hub with the electricity down.

Seriously, you have probably seen a signal area extenders before, but it all was regarding an internet signal, and here it’s about extending the area of radio communication, under which Ajax Systems’ devices operate. So yeah, this is a radio signal range extender. Ajax Rex creates an additional radio point within an operating range of 1800 meters, which is 200 less than the area that Ajax Hub creates. It supports up to 149 sensors connected simultaneously. And actually, if the connection with a Hub gets interrupted, Rex is smart enough to temporary take controls of connected sensors on him, so they have left some brains there.

Ajax Detectors Indoors

Part 2, Ajax Detectors Indoors:

  • Ajax MotionProtect
  • Ajax MotionProtect Plus
  • Ajax CombiProtect
  • Ajax MotionProtect Curtain
  • Ajax DoorProtect
  • Ajax DoorProtect Plus
  • Ajax GlassProtect

Ajax Detectors Indoors category. This is the most basic alarm sensor in the world – the passive infrared sensor, PIR, and this is a basement for MotionProtect, MotionProtect Plus and CombiProtect. A passive infrared sensor working principle lies in measuring an infrared light or a heat emitting from an objects in its field of view, and as we all are warm-bloded – we are emitting heat with our bodies, and the infrared sensor created that way to detect that heat in it’s sight, which is a 12 meters distance for the both versions.

Also, the Ajax MotionProtect created that way to ignore pets under a weight of 20 kilograms or 44 pounds. A real difference between a regular and a Plus versions is that the Plus One has additional microwave sensor it it, which makes it suitable for the rooms with air conditioners, fireplaces and where is a probability of a light flickering, glare and different reflections. Although, this function specifically reduces the sensor’s battery life from up to 7 years for a regular to up to 5 years for a Plus, and also, we got a reduced operating range from 1700 to a 1200 meters.

Now the GlassProtect – a small, thin and simple device, that has a microphone and sound volume meter built in it, which operating principle is based on a 2-step sound recognition to exclude a false alarms probability. And the 1st is spotting a deaf hit noise, and after it – the exact sound of a glass crashing down into a floor. And it is able to spot those sounds as far far as 9 meters away from event. 1000 meters operating range, 15 ms. to transmit a threat signal, 7 years battery life.

Now imagine all of the listed before sensors altogether in a single body, and… you don’t have to do that, Ajax have already took care of it and made a CombiProtect device, that has infrared sensor and a microphone to spot both the motion and glass breakage sound, which is awesome, and is cheaper. But a broken glass recognition rate 3-5 meters here, and also the battery life decreased here from up to 7 years to up to 5 years. And that’s reasonable as we got 2 fully-fledged and uncut sensors in a single body, but yet the operating range is still a 1200 meters here.

DoorProtect’s. I’m sure everyone know what’s that, but anyways, briefly – a reed switch, which is able to detect when the contacts are closed or open due to a magnetic field principle, thus it is a combination of a magnets and a reed switch in here, and that’s basically a 1 and 0, closed and open positions. There’s 2 additional panels in box and they are just magnets for on-doors and for on-windows install.

The Plus version is identical, except that it has an accelerometer in stock, which makes a sensor be able to feel a tilt applied to it and also detect an impact applied to an adjoining door or a window. And that fact decreases the battery life from up to 7 years in regular to 5 years in plus version. But that also opens the possibility to detect if the adjoining door or the window was harmed, and also we’re able to arm the system with this sensor in a half-open position, when there’s a little gap between elements. The operational range of both sensors is 1200 meters and you can also pair them with a wired NC detectors.

Ajax Curtain is similar to MotionProtect, but there is a few significant differences. The main element we really care about is located on a bottom behind the Fresnel lens inside of the inclined cutout. And a purpose of this design is to make you hang the sensor as high as possible right below a ceiling or at a doorway top to create the appropriate angle for sensor to observe a sight. Because, you see, this is what makes a difference between a Curtain and a MoionProtect. A view angle of a Curtain makes up a 6°, when a MotionProtect’s operating view angle is eighty 88.5°.

So when you install a MotionProtect sensor in a right spot, it able to observe an entire room or a half of it, but a MotionProtect Curtain creates kind of a straight and thin line coming from top to bottom. This is where we meet a sensor’s intend, and it is a perimeter protection. And we also have in it a double infrared sensor to decrease the amount of a false alarms as it makes a sensor raise the alarm only when an identical motion signal is registered by both sensors. Motion Detection distance operates properly on up to 15 meters, the sensor is IP54 ingress protected, operates as far as 1800 meters away from an Ajax Hub, the built-in Battery here will last as long as 3 years.

Ajax Outdoor Section

Ajax Detectors Outdoor – the entire Outdoor section is represented by an Ajax MotionProtect Outdoor. And it looks like Ajax have just duplicated one MotionProtect on top of another, and that is what it really is. 2 Infrared sensors in one device. The Ajax MotionProtected Outdoor is aimed to overcome the infrared sensor’s number one problem – the outdoor motion detector sensor’s accuracy, the false triggering. Trees and bushes’ leafs fluctuation, birds, pets and similar. There is also such problem occurring as objects in sight are getting sun-irradiated and that causes infrared sensor to react on a irritant, because infrared sensor mechanism is based on catching a heat emitting from objects.

And that is why we have 2 infrared sensors built-in – they are working simultaneously in a 100% synchronization with each other. The recommended height of sensor’s install is about 0.8 to 1.3 meters, which is approximately a stomach-chest area of an average person, so the top infrared monitors a straight line direction and a bottom one is pointed to the area of a shin and feet.

As a result – the event of alarm is spotted only if both sensor’s beams are simultaneously crossed by a person, and of course, the detection range is customizable via the toggle under the device back cover. Along with 2 infrared sensors, it has 3 anti-masking sensors to recognize an external attempts to block the view of detector. The detection distance makes up a 3-15 meters and is fully adjustable with a toggle in frames of this range.

Ajax Fire And Leaks Prevention

Part 4, Ajax Fire And Leaks Prevention:

  • Ajax LeaksProtect
  • Ajax FireProtect
  • Ajax FireProtect Plus

Ajax LeaksProtect – extremely simple, but efficient appliance. You stick in to a flat surface in a water leaks-potential spots, like under a washing machine, dishwasher, bathtub, heating radiators and similar things – well, in one word – where you interact with a water, and you need absolutely no one’s help to install this one. Once a leak happened and the metal contacts on the downside touched it – you’ll know that first in a form of notification on your phone within a 15 ms..

That’s a number to transmit a threat signal that Ajax confirms to have in all of their devices. You can place this LeaksProtect device as far as 1300 meters away from a central hub – this is a number for a built-in Ajax Jeweler radio-technology signal transmission distance. The built-in battery lifelong parameter here makes up 5 years, making us forget about any leaks in a future 5 years.

Ajax FireProtect and FireProtect Plus. They are capable of detecting a smoke and an abnormal temperature increase, which they take in from air into the smoke chambers located on every side of a sensor behind grids. On the front panel you’ll find a hole with a siren inside of it, which, of course, produces a loud noises whenever it spots a smoke. Because the FireProtects are independent and standalone, they don’t need a Hub to operate. The LED-logotype is also a sensor button, intended for arranging a live Detector’s test.

The Plus version is absolutely identical regarding the looks. Although, there is an additional function that makes the whole difference – carbon monoxide detection. And I personally would rather buy the Plus Version, because this is how people die in their sleep – there’s no smoke, but there’s a colorless, odorless, and tasteless gas leak that just silently kills in a sleep. Built-in battery will withstand 4 years and the operating range here is 1300 meters.

Ajax Controls

Part 5, Ajax Controls:

  • Ajax SpaceControl Keyfob
  • Ajax Button
  • Ajax Keypad

Ajax SpaceControl Keyfob – there’s really not much to say here. Ajax App duplicates it’s looks on a systems’ control screen. So basically it’s a phone replacement with a physical buttons for the fans of the ones. And why do you need it as the interacting with system happens completely via the phone? Because during emergency cases, seconds determine the outcome. Get a phone out of pocket, unlock it, type the pass-code, get into the app, unlock it with a pass-code, go to arming screen, press the button.

Or just take this one out and press physical button with button touch haptic feedback, and see the LED-lights, located in the middle among all buttons. This is why it’s here – because of the speed. Four buttons, where full circle is arm the system, torned circle is disarm, opposite side “c” letter is a night mode and the exclamation point inside of circle is a panic button, often triggered to call a security company.

Ajax Button. A very simple but sometimes a highly substantial thing. You know how is this happens – you press it and the alarm is on, used with cashiers, in homes and many other occasions. The Ajax button provides us a 1300 meters of a wireless signal transmission over a radio-waves and signal will be transmitted faster than in 15 ms., the battery will last up to 5 years.

Ajax Keypad specifically features a 1700 meters as an operating range. The built-in battery designed to serve for 2 years. Has a tamper alarm on the back under a cover. On the upper we have four LED’s displaying the system’s status: armed mode, disarmed, night mode on, and a cross in circle means system has some malfunctions. Below it we got a standard 1 to 0 keypad, clear button and a little asterisk, used to select a user group, input a personal identifier, or it can be a functional button that you can trigger to deactivate a fire alarm or to activate a panic mode and notify a security company.

Bellow there’s standard system buttons, which is arm, disarm and a night mode. And now, I had this question too – there’s a keyfob, there’s an in-app controls on a phone, there’s an Ajax button, why would I need it? A scale. You have a big family? You have some service staff? Or is it an office? If the answer is yes – this is a must to have thing for you. Except that you can arm or disarm a system typing a pass-code, you can assign a personal passwords to everyone and thus you will be aware of who got in under a unique identifier.

And of course we have such feature as a duress code, that silently raises an alarm and notifies a security company if you have typed it in. So yeah, a name reflects a functionality. When someone forces you to open your entrance door and to let them in – you type in this duress code and you won’t hear any sirens, but a signal was transmitted to a security company and they are already on their way.

Ajax Sirens

Part 6, Ajax Controls:

  • Ajax StreetSiren
  • Ajax HomeSiren

Now the sirens, an indoor and outdoor ones that you need to scare out any intruder. The StreetSiren version is about 5x times bigger over the HomeSiren. Cloth on front of the indoor one, under which there’s the exact buzzer, able to produce from 81 to 105 decibels volume noise for a HomeSiren. The StreetSiren’s buzzer in there is able to produce noises as loud as 85 to a 113 decibels. What’s unusual – you won’t find here a tamper button, instead of which Ajax installed an accelerometer in Street version so the device can actually feel if it’s being taken off. And what’s funny – the Outdoor StreetSiren makes up 1500 meters as a transmission range, while a HomeSiren is capable of 2000.

And due to this guy’s outdoor status, we have the IP54 dust and water protection. The Battery parameter is identical for both sensors and is up to 5 years. And usually when you arm or disarm your system you receive a push notification, telling you the system was armed or disarmed, and after connecting a Siren you will also hear a Sound and see the LED-flashing coming from Siren, reporting that the alarm system’s status has changed. These things are often bought and installed to frighten away the intruder.

Some guy breaks into your house and what happens is that he gets spotted and in that second the siren turns on and the room is filled with super loud noise, the intruder gets bewildered and now the 1st thing he will try to do is to take off the siren, which is not easy to do too. Your neighbors are aware something went wrong, the intruder knows he is spotted and his time is running out with every second.

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