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AJAX Alarm System Review: Ajax Rex Signal Range Extender [9/15]

AJAX Alarm System Review: Ajax Rex Signal Range Extender [9/15]

The device that looks identical to Ajax Hub, and I guess Ajax just took the Hub body, got out some “brains” and here you go, Ajax Rex. Seriously, you have probably seen a signal area extenders before, but it all concerned an internet signal, and here it’s about extending the area of radio communication, under which the entire Ajax Systems operates. We’ll tell you what is it, why is it, and we will conjuct it within our Ajax Hub. Get the Ajax Rex or any of all twenty five Ajax Devices on the Pipl Systems Website ?

Ajax Rex, The Introduction

After Ajax got out the brain from Hub, they have replced that formed empty space with a battery, that is being confirmed on the box back, where it’s up to 35 hours against up to 15 hours for Ajax Hub. And what else they did, they have cut out the RJ-45 LAN-input. The rest is identical, and we also have a cardboard brick, containing a power cable. So what is the Ajax Rex?

Simply, a radio signal range extender. And due to the fact that the entire Ajax Alarm System operates and transmits the data from sensors via radio waves and a dedicated Ajax Jeweller radiotechnology – this is quite an important thing to have, if the area to cover is large. Ajax Rex creates an additional radio point within an operating range of 1 800 meters, which is 200 m. less than the area that Ajax Hub creates. It supports up to149 sensors connected simultaniously. The polling period rate here is common for Ajax Devices and it makes up 12 to 300 seconds. The time, needed to transmit a threat signal is 0.3 miliseconds. And thus we have a chain. Below you can see a Hub, a MotionProtect Sensor, and Ajax Rex device that we’ve put among them. And actually, if the connection with a HUB gets interrupted, REX is smart enough to take controls of connected sensors on him, and thus I suppose they have left some brains in there.

Activation & Connection

The connection. Wel, no different from any other sensor. You got to have a Hub online and activated on the Ajax App on your phone. Here’s a video:


I can call this not only the signal extender, but a backup option for an occassions when a central Hub has suddenly turned off, if the electricity is down and the built-in battery died – Ajax Rex gets on a scene right after that and you will be aware of any threats as long as 35 hours of battery lifelong. And it valued about 2 or 3 times less then Ajax Hub. If you have under your control a large property – this is your must have option. Go get one or any of all twenty five Ajx Devices on the Pipl Systems Store website ?

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