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This is what literally happened in the end of past week in our studio. And these guys on video, my colleagues, were the first ones to be here. Our video editor was woken up by the alarm noise notification coming from Ajax Phone App, telling that Ajax LeaksProtect spotted a leak

What Happened?

This is our office, and in the end of last week it was partially saved from flood owing to Ajax LeaksProtect. Not completely, but a better part of it. And it may not seem obvious yet, it looks like a regular working environment, we go down to the basement level, where we have our studio with all the equipment that we need for shooting videos. Various network cameras, video recorders, PTZ cams, thermographic equipment, an iMac over there, used for video editing, that was moved to top floor for now. That little corner is our studio now.. yeah. It’s just to show you the scale of our loss. And it could have been a way bigger loss if we haven’t had Ajax LeaksProtect installed there.

Ajax LeaksProtect

So, as it should be, we had our LeaksProtect installed in water-leak potential places, and LeaksProtect number is 2 is in the water closet behind the door, and the 2nd here, near the tubes, that are laid around this basement floor. For now, you can see everything was torn apart here to replace old tubes, and here we also have a new tube too. And so, as this is a basement floor for the entire building, the cold and hot water is supplied through these pipes to everyone and every floor.

And that means that a water pressure level was way higher, unlike in regular apartments. Consequently, it wasn’t just a water leak, it was a huge flow of water, able to flood the whole floor in just an hour. And I suppose this is what could have happened if our savior didn’t send us alarm message via Ajax Phone App.

Ajax LeaksProtect, this tiny device has 4x pairs of contacts on its bottom part so if water touches it – boom, in the matter of seconds you have a notification on your phone, yelling about a water leak. And that’s how it happened for us in the middle on the night – in around 4 a.m our video editor was woken up by the alarm noise coming from his phone, from the Ajax Systems app, and it was said there that we have a water leak. Without a doubt, he called a taxi and arrived to the studio. He switched off electricity, unset alarm, dialed other guys and started cleaning the mess. Then we all came there and spent the rest of the day dealing with consequences.

And note – the first thing he did – he switched off electricity. And this is the place where we shoot our videos, where we store our equipment for videos, look at this, it’s all over the floor. There’s a table where I sit, here we’ve got a secondary camera that hangs from the ceiling, and somewhere here we install our main camera. Doesn’t look like a studio now, yeah?


So, from our experience – we came up with 3 advices from our team about what to do if a water leak happened to you. And the first is something you should do beforehand – get a few Ajax WaterLeaks so secure other rooms and places where you interact with water. Get a few, don’t spare the money or you can lose a lot more. The second – when you are there and you’ve spotted a leak – switch off the electricity. And the third – Some of our employees have turned off notifications from Ajax Phone App, and eventually only three of us were woken up by the alarm noise from the app. Don’t do that, it could’ve been a better outcome for us.

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